A blog?

This here blog is for the use of my digital imaging class. Never thought I'd make a blog, huh.

Friday, September 30, 2016



  1. Reflection: Single Letter Composition
    I would say that the strongest area of my work is the variation of color and the repetition shone. The repetition is shone near the bottom with the capital G'S. The layer copy method you showed us.The layout of each component could certainly be rearranged. I believe the rule of thirds method was achieved but it didn't look how I wanted.
    The easy part of this assignment was arranging the text boxes into a way that would follow the rule of thirds. The hard part was getting used to the Photoshop tools, specifically constantly changing between the text option and the move option. If I wanted to type? Text option, but if I wanted to move it around, then I wanted the move tool. It was frustrating to say the least.
    If I would change something about the composition, a) I would choose a different letter to begin with, b)I'm not liking the way I arranged the text box like I said before but I happen to love the color scheme.This assignment in theory was a simple task but I happened to find out that it was harder (for me) than I realized.

  2. Effort: 3
    Composition: 3
    Originality: 3
    Elements/Principals: 3
    Reflection: 4

    Nice job with contrast and repetition. I agree with you on the composition. I think it feels that way because you have the biggest letters centralized to the middle of the page. Try placing things A-symmetric. There is also a barren space in the top right corner.
